Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hilary’s Good Side

Hilary Duff

Hilary likes the show "Fear Factor".

Techno music gives Hilary a headache.

Hilary's true hair color is a brunette! But they dyed it blonde!

When Hil looks at the first few episodes of Lizzie, she thinks she "looks like a baby"!

She is easily distracted.

She tries to visit at least one hospital each month to spend time with the young patients.

Hilary attended the 2002 Kids Choice Awards with sequenced shoes sewn by the Lizzie executive producer with a Good Luck message in each shoe!

For her first theatrical starring role, she landed nearly seven figures!

Rating: 2

Dear Hilary Duff,

I don't like to be mean but you leave me no choice by wearing an outfit that only the likes of say Nicole Richie can wear. I'm sorry but your body and your height (5"1' right?) just doesn't do. ; And dear, for the love of fashion, give up those ugly bamboo earrings. It's one trend that should have died back in the 80's and 90's. Hell to the no. ;


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